Bard can now connect to your Google apps and services

2 min readSep 25, 2023


Bard can now connect to your Google apps and services

Google Bard Extensions: AI Assistant Gets More Powerful with Integration with Google Apps

Google Bard, the company’s artificial intelligence chatbot, is getting a major update with the launch of Bard Extensions. This new feature allows Bard to connect to a user’s Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Drive accounts, giving it access to their personal data and emails.
With Bard Extensions, users can ask Bard questions about their own data and get personalized responses. For example, users can ask Bard to search their Gmail for all emails from a specific sender, or to summarize their Google Drive documents. Bard can also be used to generate new content based on a user’s data, such as writing a blog post based on their Gmail inbox or creating a presentation based on their Google Docs documents.
Bard Extensions is still under development, but it has the potential to make Bard a much more powerful tool for users. By integrating with Google’s core apps and services, Bard can now provide users with more personalized and helpful assistance.
Here are some examples of how Bard Extensions can be used:

A salesperson can ask Bard to generate a list of potential leads from their Gmail inbox.

A student can ask Bard to summarize their class notes from Google Drive.

A writer can ask Bard to research a topic and generate a draft of a blog post.

A customer service representative can use Bard to answer customer questions about their accounts and orders.

Bard Extensions is currently only available in English and for personal Google accounts. Google says that it is working to make Bard Extensions available to business accounts and in more languages in the future.
Overall, Bard Extensions is a significant update that makes Bard a more powerful and useful tool for users. By integrating with Google’s core apps and services, Bard can now provide users with more personalized and helpful assistance.

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